I was seriously thinking of just starting fresh, reviewing from another blog and steadily gaining traction again as a serious book blogger. I can't do that. I couldn't abandon all of you awesome people! You guys deserve to know what happened to me, the poor blogger who went on hiatus for four years.
What has happened since then? Well, a lot to say the least.
(First, I want to apologize for my random absence and for no further updates. I want to start publishing on this blog again.)
I had an eventful several years. I got really, really sick, and it kept me from school. I had to undergo surgery to remove my gallbladder. It took me a year longer to graduate high school because of this hindrance but have no fear! I graduated high school.
Currently, I am enrolled in college pursuing a dual major in computer science and French. Eventually, I will pursue a Master's degree in meteorology. I've always wanted to be a meteorologist. Weather, man.
For now, since all the hectic life events have calmed down, I have rekindled my passion for reading. This has, in turn, rekindled my passion for discussing books and writing reviews.
So now I present to you the new-and-improved-and-still-sorta-being-worked-on Brianna's Book Affair!
"But, Brianna," the curious reader might ask, "wasn't it originally Best Friend's Book Affair?"
Why yes, curious reader. It WAS Best Friend's Book Affair. Due to some life things, it has been dropped to just me. (No, I know what you guys are thinking. Kirston and I are still friends. She's busy in another part of the state doing her own thing.)
So, hello, everyone! I hope you find me at least tolerable, and I hope you enjoy all the things I plan on posting soon!
Au revoir! (That's my partial French major being put to work.)
~ Brianna
Waiting on Wednesday (06)
I'm BAAAAACK! Thank you all for being awesome and patient while I took a little break from the book blogging aspect, but now, I'm back, and I'm more prepared then ever to start talking about books again.
I hope you're all prepared.
Because I know I am.
Bloodlines by Richelle Mead
From the books I have read in the Vampire Academy Series (Vampire Academy, Frostbite, and Shadowkiss), I am excited to see how Mead tries to live up to her already great first series with this new one. I highly doubt she'll crumble under the pressure of drooling fans alike, but seriously. It's got to be one tough job.
Fateful by Claudia Gray
1) (The very obvious reason) It's by Claudia Gray. Yes, I know. Her other series is a vampire series, and yes, person, I know you've heard me say time and time again that I don't really read/like vampire novels. Well, just to let you know, her Evernight series was actually pretty cute, and I enjoyed it. (I still have to read the last one, though.)
2) It's a flippin' Titanic retelling. Brianna = history guru/whore.
And it sounds incredibly.
(I just noticed something. There's like three different versions of the cover.)
Which one do you prefer? I like the one that's styled kind of like Fallen's cover.
Everneath by Brodi Ashton
No, I'm not bragging.
Yes, I wish to read it so bad.
No, I can't because the blasted book doesn't come out until JANUARY. *wants to place review up near the publishing date FYI*
Yes, I can start reading it soon.
No, I can't because I'm busy and have a million other books I should be reading for review.
Yes, I love books.
No, I don't feel burdened.
I really, really fell in love with the synopsis, (which, by the way, is right here) so I nicely asked for a copy, and ZOMYGOODNESS THEY DID. I read the first three chapters, and I wanted to read more because is alludes to Greek mythology mainly because most of it is about Greek mythology.
*NOTED* If you haven't noticed that Brianna is a major fan of Greek mythology, you've been lost for about ever.
Son of Neptune by Rick Roidan
Second, if you haven't noticed that I love Percy Jackson/Greek mythology/the combo, then you've never even looked at this blog. You probably saw the pretty template and joined because hearts make you happy. (People do that, ya know.)
I have to say that The Lost Hero, which is another case of an author having a hard time measuring up to their well-known series, was a very awesome rendition of another group of demigods, but you can never replace Annabeth, Percy, and Grover. You just can't.
However, they get merged into this series, though, makes the Heroes of Olympus about 150% more awesome than it already was. Part of the reason it was awesome before that was because Rick Roidan was writing it.
Nuff said.
The most direct way I can say this:
There's my fangasm that should be good for about another month. ;)
(I know it's technically Thursday, but shut up, you technical person.)
Yes, I know. Considering how amazing I am with keeping up with this blog, you shouldn't have seen this coming.
But yes. Brianna is taking a vacation.
Kirston is pretty busy being the most amazing mellophone section leader that she probably wouldn't be on in God only knows how long. :)
Now Brianna is going to take a break to indulge in the sweet ecstasy that is Hilton Head, South Carolina.
I'm also going to be busy with marching band, but for the authors I'm promising reviews to, during this time, I definitely will be reading these books.
Oh, and by the way, I got stung by a stupid jellyfish. :\
Thank you, all you wonderful guys! ;)
Brianna the Book Blogger
(Ha ha ha...alliteration at its finest.)
Series Tuesday - Mythos Academy Series by Jennifer Estep
My name is Gwen Frost, and I go to Mythos Academy — a school of myths, magic and warrior whiz kids, where even the lowliest geek knows how to chop off somebody's head with a sword and Logan Quinn, the hottest Spartan guy in school, also happens to be the deadliest.
But lately, things have been weird, even for Mythos. First, mean girl Jasmine Ashton was murdered in the Library of Antiquities. Then, someone stole the Bowl of Tears, a magical artifact that can be used to bring about the second Chaos War. You know, death, destruction and lots of other bad, bad things. Freaky stuff like this goes on all the time at Mythos, but I'm determined to find out who killed Jasmine and why—especially since I should have been the one who died. . .
Brianna's Opinon
A series about Greek mythology, warrior "classes", and an academy that trains its students to become warriors? COUNT ME IN!
In this series, Gwen is shipped off to Mythos Academy after some freak-out incident with her late-blooming powers. Her power (which happens to be INCREDIBLY awesome) is known as psychometry, or the ability to know an object's history just by touching it. I've never heard of a book with the lead having that sort of power. To be honest, I haven't heard of any book that has any character, big or small, with that type of power. You have to admit: having that power would be pretty sweet, yet it would start to get annoying after a while, eh?
Here's some information on the classes in this book found on the right side of the author's website page for this series:
In this series, Gwen is shipped off to Mythos Academy after some freak-out incident with her late-blooming powers. Her power (which happens to be INCREDIBLY awesome) is known as psychometry, or the ability to know an object's history just by touching it. I've never heard of a book with the lead having that sort of power. To be honest, I haven't heard of any book that has any character, big or small, with that type of power. You have to admit: having that power would be pretty sweet, yet it would start to get annoying after a while, eh?
Here's some information on the classes in this book found on the right side of the author's website page for this series:
AMAZONS AND VALKYRIESMost of the girls at Mythos are either Amazons or Valkyries. Amazons are gifted with supernatural quickness. In gym class during mock fights, they look like blurs more than anything else. Valkyries are incredibly strong. Also, bright, colorful sparks of magic can often be seen shooting out of their fingertips. Daphne is a Valkryie,
although her magic hasn’t quickened or manifested yet.
ROMANS AND VIKINGSMost of the guys at Mythos Academy are either Romans or Vikings. Romans are super quick, just like Amazons are, while Vikings are super strong, just like Valkyries are.
SIBLINGSBrothers and sisters born to the same parents will have similar abilities and magic, but they’re sometimes classified as different types of warriors. For example, if the boys in the family are Vikings, then the girls will be Valkyries. If the boys in a family are Romans, then the girls will be Amazons.
However, in other families, brothers and sisters are considered to be the same kind of warriors, like those born to Samurai or Ninja parents. The boys and girls are both considered to be Samurais or Ninjas.
As if being super strong or super quick wasn’t good enough, the students at Mythos Academy also have other types of magic. They can do everything from heal injuries, to control the weather, to form fireballs with their bare hands. The powers vary from student to student, but as a general rule, everyone is dangerous and deadly in their own special way.
As if being super strong or super quick wasn’t good enough, the students at Mythos Academy also have other types of magic. They can do everything from heal injuries, to control the weather, to form fireballs with their bare hands. The powers vary from student to student, but as a general rule, everyone is dangerous and deadly in their own special way.
Spartans are the rarest of the warrior whiz kids. There are only a few at Mythos Academy and scattered throughout the world. But Spartans are the most deadly and dangerous of all the warriors because they have the ability to pick up any weapon – or any thing – and automatically know how to use and even kill with it. Even Reapers of Chaos are afraid to battle Spartans in a fair fight. But then again, Reapers rarely fight fair …
Spartans are the rarest of the warrior whiz kids. There are only a few at Mythos Academy and scattered throughout the world. But Spartans are the most deadly and dangerous of all the warriors because they have the ability to pick up any weapon – or any thing – and automatically know how to use and even kill with it. Even Reapers of Chaos are afraid to battle Spartans in a fair fight. But then again, Reapers rarely fight fair …
Gypsies are just as rare as Spartans are. Gypsies are those who have been gifted with magic by the gods. But not all gypsies are good – some are just as evil as the gods they serve. Gwen is a Gypsy, although she’s not really sure where her magic comes from or why she even has it in the first place. She’s going to get the answers to her questions soon, though, and she’s not going to like what she finds out …
Gypsies are just as rare as Spartans are. Gypsies are those who have been gifted with magic by the gods. But not all gypsies are good – some are just as evil as the gods they serve. Gwen is a Gypsy, although she’s not really sure where her magic comes from or why she even has it in the first place. She’s going to get the answers to her questions soon, though, and she’s not going to like what she finds out …
If it doesn't sound absolutely fantastic to you so far, then I don't know what's going to change your mind.
Author Information
To read more about her Mythos Academy Series, visit HERE.
To read more about Mrs. Estep, visit her bio HERE.
Go check out her blog HERE.
Go on and message her some praise HERE.
Want Estep to be interviewed/appear on your site? Why don't you just email her at:
She'll be more than happy to hear from fellow avid readers like you!
Do & Don't Reads (01) Hunger Games or Hush, Hush?
I'm just going to take a wild swing at it and start this meme for my blog exclusively. This is the place where I tell you, "Hey. I love this book!", (the DO part of the title) and then I go, "Hey. I hated this book!". (This is the DON'T part, if you're not catching my drift.)
I'm going to speak my mind. WHOA! Shocker?
Yes, I know. Brianna's cheating. Everyone loves this book, and of course, you're going to have to love this or you're just a horrible person. Yes, everyone. I know, but I have to tell you why I love it and why it's a DO READ book.
Katniss Everdeen, in my years of book experience, is probably the most awesome and STRONGEST heroine I have ever read in YA fiction. Most of the books I've read that have a female narrator go like this:
"OH MY GOD! Chris doesn't love me anymore! *crycrydonotcarecrycry* Oh wait a second. *looks out the corner of eye* I see a hot guy. He's so dark and mysterious. Did I mention dark? OH MY GOD I HAVE TO KNOW HIM! *stalks guy and he turns out to be a jerk* I loooooove hiiiiim. OH MY GOD HE'S A/AN -insert mythical creature here-! HE COULD HURT ME! He's so dreamy that I have wet dreams about him. OH MY GOSH THERE'S THIS OTHER HOT/DREAMY/ALDKGHASKLGHI GUY! *initiates love triangle* -SEQUEL COMING OUT IN 648941654 MONTHS!- (For evidence, please turn to your Fallen, Hush, Hush, and Twilight pages in the Crappy YA Manual.)
This one is the total opposite considering she can FREAKIN' KILL AND KICK SOME MAJOR BUTT! And she actually has somewhat of a personality where I don't have the urge to jump in the pages and tear her little throat out. She's intelligent and an excellent archery person, so naturally, with a girl that's strong enough to provide for her family and *WIN THE HUNGER GAMES, then yes. Naturally, I love her.
* = If you didn't know she won the Hunger Games, then, dude, you're BEHIND.
I'm just being mean now. Excusez-moi.
Now, sorry to say, but I couldn't even finish this book. It frustrated me SO MUCH that I had the strongest temptation of pulling my eyes out of my eye sockets so I wouldn't have to deal with anymore YA trash. I'm sorry if you read this and were drooling over cardboard-cutout Patch, but he's a big, fat JERK. If this is what I got out of reading only about two-thirds of the book, then I'm scared of my mental state if I even thought of reading the whole thing.
Let's just see the strong, intelligent female narrator weak, feeble, whiny, stupid little girl narrator, Nora.
EVIDENCE TIME!! (So I don't look ENTIRELY like a meanie.)
She lets Patch and everyone walk all over her.
EX: Patch totally is in jerk overdrive, then he goes all, "Hey, Nora. *insert charming stuff here* Wanna go to the gay angel-themed amusement park that just screams, 'I'M A FALLEN ANGEL'?"
She. Complains. About. EVERYONE. Goodness gracious....
Just look at her friend, Vee, the doped-up idiot that enjoys getting hurt then totally doesn't learn from her mistake. Then take a look to the left, and you see her lovely fallen angel human boyfriend, Patch. He's. So. Freakin'. DREAMY that she does whatever he wants without a second thought, and even when he ASSULTS her and makes her feel worthless, all he has to do is give her the sexy face, and she gets all 'AAAAAAHHH'.
That's about all I can muster without going on a 50000-page rant like I usually do.
Oh, and I heard that Crescendo ended on the STUPIDEST. CLIFFHANGER. EVER.
I worry about you, YA. I really, really do.
This is how Nora would rob a store if she were fleshed into human existence. (If everyone from this novel was put into the real world, the world would end from the amount of stupidity. That's about it.)
"OH MY GOD! Neeeeehehhhehhaekh! *scurries* PAAATCH!"
That's it for this week's episode. Tune in next week/month/whenever-I-wanna-update to see more of Brianna's rambling. Who knows? YOUR favorite book could be torn to shreds. ;)
Freedom Giveaway - Bite Me! and Love Sucks! by Melissa Francis (INTERNATIONAL!)
From 'I Am A Reader, Not A Writer' comes an awesome opportunity for us book reviewers to host giveaways while helping us discover other book blogs.
This giveaway, I have decided to giveaway two of my favorite books: Bite Me! and Love Sucks! by Melissa Francis.
Read my review of Bite Me! right HERE.
All you have to do is fill out this form located here.
(Sorry about the wedding cake theme. The wedding cake looked so delicious! Don't you agree?)
Extra entries include:
Comment on this post (+3)
Comment on my review of Bite Me! (+3)
Advertise the contest on a sidebar (+2)
Advertise the contest with a blog post (+5)
Follow me on Goodreads (+5)
You can leave the extra entries in the comments section, but be sure to use the same name/alias that you used to fill out the form so I can put it with your entry.
Have fun, and I hope to see you around the blogosphere! ;D

This giveaway, I have decided to giveaway two of my favorite books: Bite Me! and Love Sucks! by Melissa Francis.
Read my review of Bite Me! right HERE.
All you have to do is fill out this form located here.
(Sorry about the wedding cake theme. The wedding cake looked so delicious! Don't you agree?)
Extra entries include:
Comment on this post (+3)
Comment on my review of Bite Me! (+3)
Advertise the contest on a sidebar (+2)
Advertise the contest with a blog post (+5)
Follow me on Goodreads (+5)
You can leave the extra entries in the comments section, but be sure to use the same name/alias that you used to fill out the form so I can put it with your entry.
Have fun, and I hope to see you around the blogosphere! ;D

In My Mailbox (3)
My first video! YAY! Hope you like it!
~ Wishful Thinking by Alexandra Bullen - won from the Story Siren with some bookmarks
~ Evenfall by Liz Michalski - won from Goodreads with bookmark
~ Future Imperfect ARC by K. Ryler Breese - won from TheLibraryThing *
~ Eona ARC by Alison Goodman - won from TheLibraryThing
~ The Lost Saint ARC by Bree Despian - won from TheBookButterfly
* = Future Imperfect's ARC cover looks COMPLETELY different from the final cover.
Personally, the ARC cover is...eh...
~ The Lost Hero by Rick Riordan - Kirston
~ Beautiful by Amy Reed - Ali
~ Gone by Michael Grant - Kirston
~ Hunger by Michael Grant - Kirston
~ Lies by Michael Grant - Kirston
~ Dark Vengeance by Jeff Mariotte
~ The Magnolia League by Katie Crouch
~ Divergent by Veronica Roth (I DIDN'T SAY HER NAME! D:)
~ Wither by Lauren DeStefano *
~ Abandon by Meg Cabot *
* = mentioned in IMM2
I just wanted to show the beautiful covers to you guys! (:
~ The Golden Spiral by Lisa Mangum **
~ The Fallen 1 by Thomas E. Sniegoski
~ Crusade by Nancy Holder and Debbie Virgué
~ Wondrous Strange by Lesley Livingston
~ Vanished Vol. 1 by Meg Cabot
~ Love Sucks! by Melissa Francis
~ Old Magic by Marianne Curley
BOLD = bargain book
** = Instead of "series", like I said in the video, The Golden Spiral is book two of a TRILOGY. Not a series. Unless Lisa Mangum changes her mind and makes a book 4.
Thank you everyone, and happy reading!
Books to Pine (02)
Welcome to my second selection. Horrible, I know, because I'm not keeping a regular blogging schedule, but this changes! :)
Book 1: Nevermore by Kelly Creager
Why do I want it? Hello? Edgar Allan Poe based character? Dark and mysterious guy? That seems right up my alley! I believe that the sequel is coming sometime soon. Beautiful, beautiful covers!
Book 2: Between the Sea and Sky by Jaclyn Dolamore
Why do I want it? MERMAIDS, MERMAIDS, MERMAIDS! I'm so excited to read it. A mermaid main character that associates with humans? Count me in!
Book 3: Envy by Gregg Olsen
Why do I want it? It's a story based on the death of the two twin heroines' friend, Katelyn. Is it suicide? Accident? Murder? I guess I'll have to find out! The town by the summary sounds creepy. A.K.A: My favorite type of summary! It promises to be an awesome, unique debut YA novel!
Book 4: Waterfall by Lisa T. Bergren
Why do I want it? Just read the synopsis! 14th century Italy with knights and time travel? Another set of siblings are transported in the midst of a heated battle. It's the first book in the new series by Bergren. I can't wait to read this series!
Book 5: Shattered Dreams by Ellie James
Why do I want it? Awesome, awesome, awesome sounding story with a girl that sees the future. I haven't read that many YA books on psychics, especially located in New Orleans, a place I visit every year due to family. I can't wait to read an amazing-sounding book!
Book 6: The Fallen Star by Jessica Sorensen
Why do I want it? The monsters in Gemma's nightmares are being fleshed out and are reeking havoc in her life. Not to mention that she's been emotionless and without feeling for quite a while until guy named Alex is the catalyst of electric sensations. What else could you want in a book? I want this book!
Book 7: Under the Stars by Rebecca A. Rogers
Why do I want it? It's by an Indie author, and it's about a fantasy, post-apocalyptic world where the main character, Andrina, is desperate to seek shelter. After being transported to "The New Word", she marries the King after being threatened into the relationship. But King Zarek is murdered, and she's accused of the crime. How will she endure in this new world if she's being blamed for the King's death? (I can't wait to read this book! It sounds so awesome!)
Book 8: Immortal Embrace by Charlotte Blackwell
Why do I want it? A book that explores the boundaries between the human realm and the vampire realm, Sophia Pierce is relocated with her family to a town in Massachusetts. She experiences the taste of high school, regular teenage life in this town, where she meets her soul mate, Nathaniel. Will life be even more complicated with a witch buddie, a mortal boyfriend, and the overwhelming urge to suck him dry? (What more could a fantasy-loving teen want?)
Book 9: After Obsession by Carrie Jones and Steven E. Wedel
Why do I want it? Ghost-hunting buddies united to kick ghost booty? I admit it, I haven't read Carrie Jones's Need, Captivate, or Entice, (And they have been on my TBR list for, like, ever.) but this is a must, must, must read. Beautiful picture with amazing, swirly font! SWIRLY FONT ALL THE WAY!
Book 10: Ordained by Devon Ashley
Why do I want it? Demon hunters. Ancient school. Two hundred years has passed since bad blood has spilled. Now Abby returns as the one thing the Order sweared to kill: a vampire. She's the only person that can save the Order from a mythical demon that preys on the inhabitants of the school. Will she have the strength and forgiveness to do so? I can't wait to see, because I'm definitely getting this book!

Book 11: Stay by C.C. Jackson
Why do I want it? FAIRY NOVEL ALERT! FAIRY NOVEL ALERT! I know I'm late to jump on the fairy bandwagon for YA, but I have to say that this truly sounds like an awesome fairy novel. She is kidnapped in the middle of the night by a captor that tells Callie that she's not even human. She's a fairy, and she's taken into the Fairy World, where the current queen is a cruel tyrant, and what else could make it horrible? Oh yeah. She's destined to be the kingdom's next replacement. Tragedy, mystical fairy magic, and gorgeous guys. What else would a girl love that's new to this type of subgenre?
Book 12: Andraste by Marisa Mills
Why do I want it? Pure fantasy emersion. No human contact. A pure, pure fantasy realm. You have to love this type of book. You get to dive into the lives of people in a new world, and in this one, it's a mix of fairies and elves. The main character, Andraste, is the daughter of an elfen prince and a fairy queen. Interesting mix, is it not? She is the center of a prophecy that calls for the destruction of the Abatu Empire, and she's the only one that can vanquish them. Only as she digs into the prophecy, she discovers it's a well-constructed lie that is used to cover up her mother's fairy country's secrets. What will she do now? Emersion, here I come!
What books are you wanting to pine?
Comment with the books on your wishlist.
Book 11: Stay by C.C. Jackson
Why do I want it? FAIRY NOVEL ALERT! FAIRY NOVEL ALERT! I know I'm late to jump on the fairy bandwagon for YA, but I have to say that this truly sounds like an awesome fairy novel. She is kidnapped in the middle of the night by a captor that tells Callie that she's not even human. She's a fairy, and she's taken into the Fairy World, where the current queen is a cruel tyrant, and what else could make it horrible? Oh yeah. She's destined to be the kingdom's next replacement. Tragedy, mystical fairy magic, and gorgeous guys. What else would a girl love that's new to this type of subgenre?
Book 12: Andraste by Marisa Mills
Why do I want it? Pure fantasy emersion. No human contact. A pure, pure fantasy realm. You have to love this type of book. You get to dive into the lives of people in a new world, and in this one, it's a mix of fairies and elves. The main character, Andraste, is the daughter of an elfen prince and a fairy queen. Interesting mix, is it not? She is the center of a prophecy that calls for the destruction of the Abatu Empire, and she's the only one that can vanquish them. Only as she digs into the prophecy, she discovers it's a well-constructed lie that is used to cover up her mother's fairy country's secrets. What will she do now? Emersion, here I come!
What books are you wanting to pine?
Comment with the books on your wishlist.
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